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VISUM 2013 – VISion Understanding and Machine intelligence

O INESC TEC está a organizar a primeira edição da escola VISUM 2013 - VISion Understanding and Machine intelligence, que se realiza entre 5 e 12 de julho de 2013, nas instalações da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP).
Quando 2013-07-05 00:00 até
2013-07-12 00:00
Onde Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal
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                This school is for PhD students and researchers from academia and industry with research interests in computational vision and machine intelligence. The aim is to provide a multicultural environment where all participants can learn from world renowned experts in the area. The school will comprise three main tracks: fundamental, industrial and application topics, each one with extensive practical `hands-on’ sessions.

The idea of organising this school came to be after the realisation that there was a gap between the most fundamental concepts of computer vision and their application in real world scenarios. The school seeks to bridge these two key domains. This is an area with great industrial potential and so it will be a wonderful opportunity for participants to learn from the best in this area.

The Faculty of Engineering is also supporting VISUM.

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