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Robotics Route – ‘Porto City of Science’

On 30 November and 1 December, INESC TEC will be participating in the “Robotics Route”, an initiative promoted by the Câmara Municipal do Porto (Porto City Council), through the Porto Social Foundation – ‘Porto City of Science’.
Quando 2012-11-30 18:00 até
2012-12-01 16:00
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This initiative is part of the European Robotics Week 2012 and the route offers participants several activities related to robotics. The main purpose of this event is to make people aware of the increasing importance of this scientific area and its potential application in our daily lives.

The programme includes:

- On 30 November there will be a visit to the company FLUPOL, which specialises in coatings for metal, glass and ceramics pieces using innovative robotic equipment.

- On 1 December participants will have the opportunity to visit INESC TEC’s robotics laboratories located at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) and at the Higher Institute of Engineering of Porto (ISEP). At the labs, participants will be able to observe some of the robots operating, with particular emphasis on the surveillance robot.

Those who are interested in participating in this initiative should register here (maximum of 30 participants).

Mais informação sobre este evento…

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O Connect INESC TEC junta os antigos colaboradores do INESC TEC. Pretendemos manter ligações fortes com os nossos antigos colaboradores, que podem aqui receber notícias sobre o Laboratório Associado e manter contacto com os seus antigos colegas.

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