INESC TEC researchers at MIT and CMU
Abílio Pacheco and Edgar Jimenez will stay at MIT for a semester. With a thesis entitled "Flexible design of forest fire management systems", Abilio Pacheco is working at the Division of Engineering Systems with João Claro (UITT) as his advisor, and under the supervision of Richard de Neufville at MIT. The work of Edgar Jimenez on the other hand focuses on "Long-term strategies for airports: flexibility for sustainable development". His supervisors are Jorge Pinho de Sousa (UESP), João Claro and Richard de Neufville.
At CMU, Manuel Loureiro and Kristen Schell will be developing for two years their theses, under the supervision of João Claro and Paul Fischbeck (Department of Engineering and Public Policy). Kristen Schell, a researcher at UITT, is working on a project for modelling networked engineering systems, with the power grid of the Azores as a case study. Her thesis is entitled "Flexible network design under uncertainty for energy policy strategies in remote areas". Manuel Loureiro, on the other hand, is investigating "Modeling the transmission networks as portfolios of real options".
The supervisors of the four students see experience of these two institutions as an asset to improve the skills of each researcher, and that personal and professional valorisation will eventually be reflected in their performance and contributions to UITT and UESP.
BIP, November 2012