Você está aqui: Entrada News & Events INESC TEC participates in European project on automotive industry

INESC TEC participates in European project on automotive industry

INESC TEC’s Robotics and Intelligent Systems Unit (ROBIS) is the only Portuguese partner in the European project “Sustainable and Reliable Robotics for Part Handling in Manufacturing Automation” (STAMINA), a project related to automating the process of assembly in the automotive industry.

The STAMINA project started in October 2013, and its goal is to create a fleet of mobile robotic manipulators with different sensors and capacities to complete two essential tasks: kitting using components collected in a non-structured environment (bin-picking).

The ROBIS team, composed of António Paulo Moreira, Germano Veiga, Manuel Silva, José Lima, Pedro Costa, Héber Sobreira and Joana Rafael, is responsible for coordinating multiple robots for STAMINA’s fleet. Furthermore, the ROBIS researchers will be in charge of transferring knowledge, disseminating information to partners, as well as promoting the project’s results and visibility.

Other that INESC TEC, the STAMINA Consortium includes Aalborg University (Denmark), Peugeot Citroën Automobiles S.A. (France), BA Systèmes SAS (France), Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany) and the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom). Financed by the 7th Framework-Programme of the European Union, the project will be concluded in March 2017.

The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this article are associated with the following partner institutions: INESC Porto and FEUP.

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