Você está aqui: Entrada News & Events INESC TEC integrates Portuguese consortium that will bring companies and European services closer

INESC TEC integrates Portuguese consortium that will bring companies and European services closer

INES TEC is part of a new consortium, the Enterprise Europe Network – Portugal (EEN-Portugal), where the goal is to provide information and consulting services to companies in Europe. The idea is to promote business opportunities and cooperation, and participations in RDI projects, as well as provide access to new markets, with about 600 points of contact in over 50 countries.
EEN-Portugal tries to improve skills and is interested in bringing services closer to companies, providing a broad network of partners in the field, in complementary areas of expertise to support business, and serving all regions in the country.

The consortium is led by IAPMEI (Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation) and gathers 12 organisations (including institutions and business associations) in the entire country, which will be responsible for implementing a European network of services in Portugal over the next two years. At INESC TEC, this project will be led by the coordinator of CITE, Alexandra Xavier, in close collaboration with the Management Control, represented by Marta Barbas, the Communication Service, represented by Sandra Pinto, and the coordinator of the Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE), Luís Carneiro.

As part of the new 2015-2020 cycle, the network will have added responsibilities in supporting innovation and internationalisation, in a close connection with the Horizon 2020 Program, in supporting the implementation of RDI management practices, and particularly in the follow-up of companies with projects supported by the SME Instrument Programme, created by the European Commission to specifically support the development of new products and services in small and medium enterprises.

As part of the network, INESC TEC is included in two sectorial groups: ICT Industry and Services & Automotive, Transport and Logistics. The groups represent a platform to discuss, plan and implement collaborative activities at European level for companies in these sectors.

EEN-Portugal is coordinated by IAPMEI, and other than INESC TEC the network includes the following partners: ACIF - Associação Comercial e Industrial do Funchal – Câmara de Comércio e Indústria da Madeira; AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal; AIDA – Associação Industrial do Distrito de Aveiro; AIMINHO – Associação Empresarial; AIP – Associação Industrial Portuguesa; ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação; CCDR Algarve – Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Algarve; CCIPD – Câmara do Comércio e Indústria de Ponta Delgada; CEC – Conselho Empresarial do Centro/Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Centro; LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P.

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