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Executive Training on Foundations of Government Information Leadership

A joint effort between the Department of Informatics at the University of Minho, the High Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab - INESC TEC & UM) and the Center for Electronic Governance at UNU-IIST, the training is addressed to policy-makers, decision-makers, public managers, and Chief Information Officers from government and intergovernmental organizations (GCIO) and from the private sector, responsible for planning, managing and sustaining Electronic Governance (EGOV) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) initiatives.
Quando 2012-12-17 00:00 até
2012-12-21 00:00
Onde Department of Informatics of the University of Minho (Gualtar Campus), Braga
Nome do Contacto
Telefone do Contacto +351 253 604 430
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The training will focus on the enabling role of ICT and EGOV in: 1) formulating and implementing government policies, 2) increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations, and 3) producing concrete value to the public.

The program will comprise lectures, discussions, presentations and networking, and cover 13 topics:

1.  Introduction – Introduction to EGOV

2.  Introduction – Global EGOV Trends

3.  Planning - Policy-Driven EGOV

4.  Planning – EGOV Strategy and Alignment

5.  Planning - ICT Policy Development and Implementation

6.  Governance - ICT Governance

7.  Governance - Government Information Leadership

8.  Governance - Organizational Transformation

9.  Design – Government Knowledge Management

10. Design – Information Sharing and Interoperability

11. Design - Government Enterprise Architecture

12. Implementation – EGOV Measurement and Benchmarking

13. Implementation – Infrastructure and Services

To register please send an email to conceicao@di.uminho.pt and a confirmation of your payment (or an indication you prefer to pay cash).Price: 400 Euro, including:
documentation, lunches and coffee-breaks, walking tour and reception (Wed), Farewell dinner (Fri).

Upon successful completion of the training, participants will also receive certificates of attendance issued by DIUM and UNU.

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