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City of Porto welcomes second edition of the Visum Summer School

The second edition of the VISion Understanding and Machine Intelligence (Visum) Summer School will take place in the city of Porto, between 3 and 10 July. Registration is open until 14 March.

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) will be hosting the 2014 edition of the VISion Understanding and Machine Intelligence (Visum) Summer School. This is the second edition of the initiative that is organised in partnership with INESC Porto (Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto) and the University of Porto.

The target audience of this summer school is MSc, PhD and post-doctorate degree students, researchers and professionals, working in the areas of computing and artificial intelligence, as well as "people who want to improve their knowledge on innovative topics,” according to the organising committee.

The panels include worldwide renowned experts from Portugal and abroad, including Cristian Sminchisescu (Lund University, Sweden), Vincent Lepetit (Technische Universität Graz, Áustria), Juergen Sturm (Technische Universität München, Germany), Russell Beale (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom), Jaime Cardoso (INESC TEC and FEUP), Hugo Proença (Department of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior) and André Marçal (INESC TEC and Faculty of Science of the University of Porto). The professional panel includes companies such as Siemens S.A., E-Commerce Sonae MC and Albatroz.

Learning how a drone operates

Participants will be trained in fundamental industrial and application areas, and the programme also includes hand-on sessions and a poster session.

According to the organising committee, "the students will learn how the intelligent vision and processing systems of a drone operate, how we can map the information acquired by a Kinect to print a miniature model using a 3D printer, or how it is possible analyse objects in digital images, such as, for example, with the face recognition algorithms used by Google or Facebook".

Due to the success of the 2013 edition the school on artificial intelligence is now returning to the city of Porto.

If you are interested in learning more about the prices and in registering in the Visum Summer School, go to this page provided by the official website.

JPN, 11 March 2014

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