C3S2E'13 - Sixth International C Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering
C3S2E'2013 is the sixth in a series of annual international conferences addressing the needs of the academic community in computing science and software engineering. The objective of C3S2E is to meet annually to exchange ideas on current issues and focus on new challenges from both the theoretical and application aspects of CSE.
C3S2E'13 calls for poster papers from graduate students in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Student authors are invited to submit papers in English, reporting on their work in progress. The submission must be original and could be co:authored with the supervisor. However, the student author of an accepted poster is expected to participate fully in C3S2E'13 and prepare a short oral presentation to be given at a scheduled time during the C3s2E meeting in July. There would be a reduced registration fee for poster student authors,
C3S2E'13-PW calls for Workshop Papers: These are papers describing work in progress and would be reviewed. There is no restrictions on the authorship of a workshop paper. Workshop paper submissions which are accepted would be published as short paper. Exceptionally good submissions may be accepted as full paper.
All the dates are given on the milestone page on ConfSys dynamic web site for C3S2E (accessible to ConfSys signed up users). In case of discrepancies, the dates on ConfSys dynamic web site are the correct ones. The following are the salient ones:
ConfSys user Sign-Up begins:
Always on Poster & workshop Paper submission begins: 2013-05-08
Poster & workshop Paper submission deadline(NEW): 2013-06-02
Acceptance notice: 2013-06-14 or earlier
Registration & Camera-ready upload start: 2013-06-14
Camera-ready copies deadline: 2013-07-02
Conference dates: 2013-07-10 -- 2012-07-12
Please visit the ConfSys web sites for further instructions. ConfSys is used to manage all administrative functions of the conference.
Further information: