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Ao preencher este formulário tomo conhecimento que os dados por mim preenchidos serão tornados públicos, nesta página.

Your personal data will be stored unless you express your intention to leave CONNECT INESC TEC Network and they will be used for the sole purpose of the Connect INESC TEC Network. You can access, amend, update or delete your personal data at any time, emailing us at

Os seus dados pessoais serão conservados, a não ser que manifeste a intenção de sair da rede CONNECT INESC TEC, e utilizados exclusivamente para contactos no âmbito da rede CONNECT INESCTEC. Poderá a todo o momento solicitar aceder, corrigir, atualizar ou apagar os seus dados pessoais, através do email
About Us

Connect INESC TEC brings together the former employees of INESC TEC. We are dedicated to maintaining strong connections with former employees and here you can receive news about the Associate Laboratory and keep in touch with other ex co-workers.

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