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INESC TEC studies the use of the Internet to treat mental illnesses

INESC TEC studies the use of the Internet to treat mental illnesses

INESC TEC is studying the possibility of using the Internet to treat mental illnesses. The E-Compared involves 14 institutions from 11 European countries.

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Cybersecurity: how can you protect your data online

Cybersecurity: how can you protect your data online

The controversy around cybersecurity and data protection is increasingly common and the problem is worrisome. The Canal Superior wanted to find out more about this theme and new ways of making Internet browsing safer.

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INESC TEC studies the use of the Internet as an alternative to treat depression

INESC TEC studies the use of the Internet as an alternative to treat depression

In January, INESC TEC’s Information and Computer Graphics Systems Unit (USIG) started the European project E-Compared (European Comparative Effectiveness Research on Internet-Based Depression Treatment), which studies the possibility of using the Internet to treat mental illnesses such as depression.

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INESC TEC researchers create technology that can be used in space missions by 2018

Two researchers in Porto have recently concluded the first laboratory prototype of a type of radar which uses laser radiation to acquire 3D images (LIDAR – Light Detection And Ranging). This technology can be used in space missions of the European Space Agency (ESA) by 2018.

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Some thoughts: from the PhD to the Spin-off; from HASLab to INESC TEC

"It is a privilege to be able to continue my relationship with INESC TEC as a post-doc at HASLab, not only because of the multidisciplinary nature of the INESC TEC universe, but also because it is known as a pipeline for technology transfer."

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INESC TEC researchers create technology that can be used in space missions by 2018

Two researchers in Porto have recently concluded the first laboratory prototype of a type of radar which uses laser radiation to acquire 3D images (LIDAR – Light Detection And Ranging). This technology can be used in space missions of the European Space Agency (ESA) by 2018.

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The Limelight Series

In a universe of over 700 employees, there are many months in which the performance of more than one collaborator is worthy of note in the “Limelight” section. Proof of that is that oftentimes we have more than one person nominated. For that reason, we decided to change the rules: as of edition No. 144, BIP will highlight all nominees each month, and all will be equal in merit.

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INESC TEC starts project SECRETS on photovoltaic energy

INESC TEC starts project SECRETS on photovoltaic energy

The Institut de Recherche en Energie et Solarie Energies Nouvelles (IRESEN) in Morocco has recently approved project SECRETS – “L’Intégration intelligente de l’énergie photovoltaïque au réseau de consommation domestique avec le développement d’applications spécifiques au contexte marocain”, as part of the call InnoPV.

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HASLab/INESC TEC starts European project on Big Data

HASLab/INESC TEC starts European project on Big Data

In February, the High-Assurance Software (HASLab), INESC TEC’s Privileged Partner, will start working on the European project LeanBigData (Ultra-Scalable and Ultra-Efficient Integrated and Visual Big Data Analytics). The main goal is to solve three great challenges of analytical processing in Big Data: the cost, in terms of resources, of scaling big data analytics for streaming and static data sources; the lack of integration of the existing technologies to manipulate Big Data and high response times; and the insufficient end-user support leading to extremely lengthy big data analysis cycles. INESC TEC’s Information and Computer Graphics Systems Unit (USIG) is also participating in this project.

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INESC TEC participates in European project on smart grids

INESC TEC participates in European project on smart grids

INESC TEC’s Power Systems Unit (USE), represented by the researcher Nuno Fidalgo, participated in the kick-off meeting of the European project ELECTRA (European Liaison on Electricity grid Committed Towards long-term Research Activities), which took place on 18 and 19 December in Milan, at the facilities of the Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE).

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INESC TEC brings international conference to Porto

INESC TEC brings international conference to Porto

INESC TEC’s Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD) is organising the 3rd edition of the International Conference on Dynamics, Games and Science (DGS III 2014), which will take place at the University of Porto between 17 and 21 February 2014.

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INESC TEC receives Best Paper Award

INESC TEC receives Best Paper Award

A group of researchers from INESC TEC’s Telecommunications and Multimedia (UTM) and Optoelectronics and Electronic Systems Unit (UOSE) received a Best Paper Award for their paper “Built-in Self-Testing Infrastructure and Methodology for an EMG Signal Capture Module”. The article was presented at the GLOBAL HEALTH 2013 conference, which took place between 17 and 22 November, in Lisbon.

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INESC TEC workshop discusses immersive media

INESC TEC workshop discusses immersive media

Perceptual and audio-visual immersion, multisensory interaction, participatory or 3D and multiview systems were some of the themes discussed during the first international workshop on “Immersive Media Experiences 2013”, co-organised by INESC TEC.

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INESC TEC publishes book on project CONVERGENCE

INESC TEC publishes book on project CONVERGENCE

Enhancing the Internet with the CONVERGENCE System is the title of the book that was published as part of European project CONVERGENCE, in which INESC TEC’s Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit participated (UTM).

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INESC TEC looking at Mars

INESC TEC looking at Mars

INESC TEC’s Optoelectronics and Electronic Systems Unit (UOSE) has recently concluded the first prototype of a system with Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) technology, which measures the properties of reflected light in order to obtain information, such as distance and the 3D shape of a certain object.

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INESC TEC researcher publishes paper in NeuroImage

INESC TEC researcher publishes paper in NeuroImage

The paper “Connectivity patterns of pallidal DBS electrodes in focal dystonia: A diffusion tensor tractography study”, co-written by the researcher and leader of INESC TEC’s group BRAIN (Biomedical Research And INnovation), João Paulo Cunha, will be published in January in the scientific journal NeuroImage, one of the most important publications in the brain functioning area.

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INESC TEC researcher receives award

INESC TEC researcher receives award

Diogo Varajão, researcher at INESC TEC’s Power Systems Unit (USE), received an award from the ABB Portugal, a company that develops power and automation technology. The researcher received the 2013 ABB Award for his MSc dissertation, titled "Carregador Bidirecional para Veículos Elétricos Baseado em Andar de Conversão Matricial" (Bidirectional Charger for Electric Vehicles Based on a Matrix Converter), for which he received the highest score (20 out of 20).

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Tomorrow Options announces name change and launches in the US

Tomorrow Options, a body dynamics company delivering cutting-edge connected health and fitness products that evaluate body position and movement to improve human function, has announced it changed its name to Kinematix (, and launched in the US with a fully-owned US subsidiary in Boston.

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INESC TEC paper wins third place in competition for young researchers

INESC TEC paper wins third place in competition for young researchers

Two researchers from INESC TEC’s Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) won third place in the Young Investigator Competition, sponsored by the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), with their paper “Towards a Dependable Cardiovascular Surveillance System”.

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INESC TEC researchers win “Fumio Harashima Best Paper Award in Factory Automation”

INESC TEC researchers win “Fumio Harashima Best Paper Award in Factory Automation”

Paulo Portugal and Francisco Vasques, researchers at INESC TEC’s Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM), won the “Fumio Harashima Best Paper Award in Factory Automation”, with their paper titled “GLHOVE: A Framework for Uniform Coverage Monitoring using Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks”.

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